Gum Nut Gully Pre-School could not operate without the support of our kinder families and community. Our kinder families have been very generous with their time and skills - we all want to see this kinder grow and nurture our children through good facilities and quality education. We have been blessed with generous donations from friends of our kinder community which allow us to provide so many wonderful activities to enrich the experiences of our children during such a precious time in their early learning years.
There are various events during the year that bring the kindergarten families together including a welcome picnic, movie night, disco and working bees.
Through these donations and fundraising activities, some of the items we have been able to add to our Pre-School are:
replacement of chairs
new storage units
bike track
custom-built outdoor stage for children to practice and perform
fairy garden
mud kitchen
vegetable garden
astro turf for general play and picnics