The Government’s No Jab No Play laws require all children to be age-appropriately immunised before enrolment can be confirmed.
Parents/guardians offered tentative places will be asked to provide immunisation documentation to Gum Nut Gully Pre-School within 2 weeks of letter of offer that shows that their child's immunisations are up to date for their age or that an exemption applies.
Further information on immunisation requirements for enrolment in early childhood services is available on the State Government's Better Health Channel at www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/campaigns/no-jab-no-play
Enrolment applications will be accepted any time after the child has turned 2 years of age.
Enrolment can be made from the month of the child’s 2nd birthday. Enrolments will not be accepted before this time.
Prior to commencing the online application process please ensure you a have an electronic copy of both your child’s birth certificate and immunisation history ready to upload
For more information on eligibility and enrolment preference, please see the Gum Nut Gully Preschool enrolment policy